Greetings from Brentwood!
Our journey has ended……but it was certainly a memorable one! We arrived in the States late yesterday afternoon….and home later last night. After a few delays in Charlotte, NC due to weather, I finally made it home!
Our last few days were good ones, but we did not have computer access….and not much time for blogging!
Bremen was an exciting city in Northern Germany…one I would like to visit again. We traveled south from there and stayed in Munster, Germany, before heading to Frankfurt for our final two evenings. We did get the chance to spend a day in Heidelburg…our last touring adventure!
I am working on organizing my photos…..but just to let you know we did indeed take photos, you can see a few from a couple of stops on our journey at the following website:
Hopefully I will get more posted in the near future….
So now….its back to work on Monday. This is our final message. Thanks for taking the trip with us in spirit! It was a great adventure!
Patsy and Anna Mae
You two are having way too much fun!! That’s wonderful. Looking forward to seeing all those pictures when you get back. Have either of you found any rich relatives over there? We’re keeping it in the road here until you get back.
11 Jun 2007
So how about some pictures??!! Not just the landscape, but some of you and Anna Mae? We want to see subject matter , but we also want to see our friends. Hope you are taking lots of notes so you can write a book when you get home.!!! It sounds like you are having just an incredible time. That’s wonderful!! You both deserve it. Take care and we’ll see you soon.
07 Jun 2007
Pat Hamilton
Wow, sounds like you are having a wonderful vacation. I am so glad you are enjoying your trip. P.S We gave your office away. Just kidding!
07 Jun 2007
Pat,It sounds wonderful. i wish I were there instead of here in Nashville working! I guess this is pay back for the times I was traveling around with you working.We are all doing well here. Dianne took Mom and got her hair fixed on Tuesday and she seemed to be doing well.Back to work here. Have a great time!
07 Jun 2007
It is great to hear from you two! I’ve been wondering just where you are and anxious to hear just how much fun you are having. Patsy, I’m glad to hear that you have a GPS system, maybe Anna Mae won’t convince you that a bicycle path is really a road! We’re just home from a week at Myrtle Beach so now I can keep up with you with every blog. Thanks for putting me on your list. Have much fun!
05 Jun 2007
Pat Hamilton
Ok. I am saving my money for a trip to Germany. Sounds wonderful! You are missed around here, but all is well. Thanks for letting us be a part of you trip. We look forward to your e-mails.
04 Jun 2007
Mary G
I can tell you are having way too good a time – both of you!!! And I’m glad you are. I know you must be seeing some beautiful sights. We are trying to keep it together back here and not let your desk get too highly piled!! Say hi to Anna Mae for me and keep having fun!!! Have you found some good German beer yet? Better yet – did you drink it???
04 Jun 2007
Bill Anderson
Guten Morgen! Es klingt wie Sie hat eine große Zeit. Wie arbeitet der GPS? Sind Sie schon verloren worden? Ich bin in Memphis heute morgen. Alle wir sind das Tun groß. Wir freuen, Ihre Fotos zu sehen. Erhielt zu gehen, jetzt zu arbeiten. Liebe, RechnungJust in case you can’t read my German, go to http://Babelfish.altavistacom/tr and select German to Engilish and copy my message and then click on translate.We are all good and hope you are having a great time.How is the GPS working? I think that was a good investment for your trip. You will enjoy it for a long time. The bad news is that you will become dependent on it.Looking forward to seeing your photos.Love Bill
31 May 2007
Be sure to report in on any good Chinese buffets in Europe! Ha!
31 May 2007
your faithful sect.
Hey Patsy – hope you had a wonderful trip and are there safe and sound. Well – maybe not so sound!!! Looking forward to your messages whenever you can. We miss you!!
30 May 2007
I love that you will be sharing on your travels with us. My first time on a blog — how exciting!!! Hope you have a great time.
21 May 2007
21 Jan 2007
21 Jan 2007
18 Oct 2011 – start of travelblog