Patsy’s Travel Adventures – USA 8


I am preparing for my first European adventure…and this is my first travel blog!  I will be departing May 29 for Germany and other nearby countries as the opportunity arises, and I am traveling with Anna Mae Kobbe, a long time friend and Extension colleague.  We are looking forward to a great adventure!

I have added your email to my mail list, so that every time I post a message or photos to this site, you will be notified, and can visit the site to see what we are up to!  I have no idea how often I will get to post info….depends on where we find internet service…and  time to use it!  But I will do my best to post a few things along the way to let you know we are alive and well……and having a wonderful time!

Hope you are having a great weekend…..and I will be in touch when I get in Germany….and catch up with my sleep!

Patsy Ezell

Posted from USA:

posted Sunday May xxxx


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