Sednaya, Maalula & Crac des Chevaliers, Syria (Day 7)
One week today and I feel that I have done so much in such little time. Today I am on my own (with driver of course). Yamama kindly planned for me the above small towns just outside Damascus, prominantly Christian areas. In Sednaya there is a church dedicated to the Saint Lakta who legend has it escaped from persecusion by running through the gap in the mountain, which opened up for her. At Crac I visited a 13th Centrury Fortress Castle which was unpenitrable for many years.
In the evening, we went to see the Syrian National Phillharmonic Orchestra play at the new Opera house, courtesy of Yamama’s contact at one of the largest Syrian mobile companies. We sat in the VIP seating with the Syrian Minister for Culture. How cool were we! Music was fab.
Posted from Syrian Arab Republic:
posted Saturday March 2014