Priscilla – Ice cold traveler – Chile 1

Comments for pakania:you have 31 comments

Even though I got many wrong I am proud to say I enjoyed being the only one to attempt your quiz. I tried to share the blog with my first graders but they need pictures and video. They had a couple questions already and more later. Was it cold? How many jackets did you need to wear? Also they request a visit that includes video footage, I am sure they won’t mind if it is my mom or Maryann. I can’t wait to hear and see more. (While we do that I will share my pictures from Greece this summer. People at my school can’t fathom how much we travel in our family.)
Love, Tess

12 Dec 2007
This trip sounds as though it will provide plenty of material to share with your grandchildren and great grandchildren. Can’t wait to hear all about it!

12 Dec 2007
Ok, now that I’ve read the whole thing….. my vote is that Tess should win the quiz competition, hands down!
And by the way, it snowed in Banning this weekend…. I stood outside on my front porch with no coat and tried to project myself onto your ship, just for fun. It wasn’t the same. Opened my eyes, and I saw no penguins, no waves, and no P&M. Drat!

12 Dec 2007
It sounds like such an adventure! I sure wish you could have taken all of us with you… then you wouldn’t have felt all alone on that elevator. I can’t wait until you get back so I can see all of your pictures….. are you past a thousand yet?

12 Dec 2007
Lynn Feldman
I’m enjoying your blog, I forget is it summer or winter there? Do you have too much sun or no sun? Have fun in Chile.

11 Dec 2007
Cheryl Diaz
You guys are amazing !! What a trip !! Can’t wait to see your pictures!
I can’t begin to answer your quiz questions…

11 Dec 2007
Hi Ladies, what is the best thing you have experienced and what has been the most challenging? Stay well, JoAnna M

11 Dec 2007
Tess Kania-Lloyd
1. Antartic is a land mass covered in snow. The artic is frozen ice covered in snow.
2. The two antartic penguins are the Adelie (white circles around eyes, about 24″) and Emperor (largest penguin, open orange marks on side of head, fathers incubate chick) all other penguins live on surrounding islands, not on the continent
3. Depends, the male emperors go to their rookery and incubate the eggs, females go to sea and feast. Other penguins have different cycles.
4-7. not answered by my experience at Seaworld but I could find them elsewhere, the rest I am doing without a book.
4. pretty pictures
5. Petermann?
6 Usa, germany russia, japan
7. my guess 20
8. Variety of fishes (yes that is correct because they eat more than one species) and krill
9, Maybe a Killer whale
10. my guess is on my mom, Priscilla because she would only ask that to gloat
11. Not sure but guessing the blue is a reflection.
I will try to triple my score by asking my first graders tomorrow but I am pretty sure they won’t even be able to find antartica on the map. I think I should get triple points because I teach first graders who are definitely ready for Christmas.

06 Dec 2007
Sorry, the map shows where the land based web server is and cannot track you at sea! By the way, if you can email photos to me I will put them on your travelblog.
Have a great trip!

06 Dec 2007
Arlene Daley
Hello:I thoroughly enjoy your blog. have you seen the emperors or the adelies? I can’t imagine how cold it is. We are experiencing 20 degree temps. and everyone is complaining. Until next time. Arlene

05 Dec 2007
Edie Thompson
This looks so exciting. I can’t wait to see more pictures.

05 Dec 2007
Debra Candelario
Wow sounds awsome. Ya it’s pretty cold here too about 75-80 today:) LOL we might even get some rain on Friday ;{ Well have fun and remember ‘RULES’ are supposed to be broken, especially on vacation.
Have fun and be safe.Deb-

05 Dec 2007
Does Petco carry penguin food? I want a pet penguin. I brought you a National Geographic issue on Antartica but you had already gone. Oh well, take lots of pictures and don’t get frostbite.

04 Dec 2007
Priscilla is correct. I did sleep while she was in the hot tub, but then I did wake up at midnight and walked the deck taking pictures of large, daunting, ok, scary Tabular iceburgs. While everyone else is sleeping during normal sleep hours, I am one of the few people that know the captain has cancelled (much to the staff’s dismay) our crossing of the Antarctic Sound. The staff was so excited about the MV Fram being the first ship to cross the sound this year! (Acutally, to be accurate, a Russian ice breaker came through last week to open the passage way) Evidently, about 1:00 am the captain decided not to proceed. It seems that the passage way has closed. That darn ice is still growing!!!!

04 Dec 2007
JoAnna Munoz
Hello ladies, I will keep watch on both of you, we are looking foward to all the great pic’s. miss you PK

04 Dec 2007
Giacomo “J” Cappador
I’m sooooo jealous! You’re living my dream! Please-Please-Please take lotsa pictures, I can’t wait to see them.
Love ya lots and BE SAFE!
Cuz J-J

04 Dec 2007
Susan Colantuono
Hi Priscilla and Mary Ann, can’t wait to see photos! Adventuring vicariously is better than not adventuring at all.

03 Dec 2007
Christine Pence
Looking forward to seeing your images when you have time to get a few online. The map on this site still has you in Scandinavia/Norway. I guess it’s cold there too. Don’t forget to get the pictures of you swimming with the penguins.

03 Dec 2007
Cindy Booth
Ladies….I’m amazed by your sense of adventure! I prefer the arm chair travels through your blog! Anything to report from home seems meaningless in light of this expedition. Do you care that it is going to snow here this afternoon” That I am battling a sinus infection, which did give me the time to sit and write my Christmas cards” And the exciting news of today’s activity….make a new turkey soup recipe. Yes, there is real life going on up here in RI…..a real not miss!
Thanks for sharing your journey….it is awesome.

02 Dec 2007
Barb Frueh
Have a safe trip and a wonderful time! I am so happy for you that you get to do this!

30 Nov 2007
Cheryl Suglia
Can’t wait to hear more & see photos! Stay safe!

30 Nov 2007
Looking forward to hearing about all of your adventures! Have a great time! Keep a lifejacket handy and your cell phone even closer! Love ya! ~ p

30 Nov 2007
Barb Nicholson
Thinking of you, Maryann……I know you are still on the train…first leg of that long journey. I’m very excited for you……’s a”very cool” learning experience. I’ll be keeping track. Can’t wait to talk to you when you get back!PS If you have time in Ushuaia, there’s a little shop that sells wonderful jewelry…the Argentine national stone is rhodochrosite, a pink stone. I got a necklace there…..the stone wrapped in sterling hung from a pink cord. The town is sort of a “frontier town”, but attracting more residents who are young and adventurous, and who like earning money from all us “older” adventurers.

29 Nov 2007
Susan Bellrose
Please give my regards to the Little Blue Fairy Penguins…I too am a big fan of anchovies! I am looking forward to sharing this vicariously and very warmly from couch.

29 Nov 2007
Arlene Daley
Maryann and Priscilla:
have and wonderful and safe trip. I think it sounds really”cool.” There IS a species called the Macaroni. Hope you see the emperors, too.
Take care and can’t wait to hear from you.

29 Nov 2007
June McKeon
Have a wonderful trip. Can’t wait to hear about the adventures of the “coolest” women from Mill Cove!

29 Nov 2007
Elizabeth Gibbs
Hi Priscilla. I don’t know you, but a do know Maryann. I’m an ARMADA project teacher who went to Antarctica for 2.5 weeks in 2004. I am a bit envious and thrilled that you guys are getting to go. You are going to be in a constant state of amazement. Antarctica is about the most wonderful place on Earth that I’ve ever been. My advice re: cold….1)layers 2) copious amounts of food, especially chocolate. I teach seventh grade in Newport, RI, and I may share your site with the kids. Fear not, if you have some racy entries I won’t show them to 12-year-olds. No need for self-censorship :-)Have a blast!!!!!Elizabeth Gibbs

29 Nov 2007
Sally Quinn
Have an awesome time! I will try and keep up!

28 Nov 2007
Chris Pence
We are counting the minutes until you and Maryann commune with the Penquins and get us picture proof of the experience. Hope you are bringing your swimsuit in order to share in the fun! Happy travels.

28 Nov 2007
Hi Priscilla,I had no idea that you were so techy!! And I can’t help being excited for you 🙂 Have a safe trip and SEND PIX!!!!! Lots of them!!!!!

27 Nov 2007
Maryann Scholl
I am so lucky to be traveling with such a technically capable woman. Priscilla will do all the journaling, I will do the sunbathing!

27 Nov 2007
18 Oct 2011 – start of travelblog



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