Rhona and backpack are Go! – Indonesia 0

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11 Sep 2007
Alex Gilmour
Congrats dear, on passing your open water, it is really fantastic, I remember Cyprus. Have you been through any caves or up funnels, that is something to take your breath away. We look forward to your next stage, but you are doing great.
Much Love and Ks XXX

30 Aug 2007
so glad you went to Gili to do some diving, it’s way better than Thailand. I remember seeing turtles on every dive. did you see any more blue spotted Manta Rays 😉

30 Aug 2007
Wow, the Gilli islands, cool! I did my advanced open water on Gilli Air and got taught by a great old ex-session musician name of Ernest Lewandowski who ran Reefseekers, was well into his shrimps, and used to tell fantastic tales about sharing a flat with Bob Marley and how much of a cock Sting is. If you get chance, and fancy some more dives, it’s well worth looking him up – he’s a top bloke, and a great person to dive with – very enthusiastic and full of info.

21 Aug 2007
Tim & Masha
We love you mate. Even though you are poo and are not coming to our wedding – preffering to “travel” like a middle class ponce.

20 Aug 2007
Yeah yeah the temples are lovely but where are the photos of your disgusting buboes”” 🙂

17 Aug 2007
damn it! flickr is blocked will have to look tonight

14 Aug 2007
Cambodia sounds great – missing all the fun. have emailed you separately. good journey home, met at airport by Dad, Torin and Kirsty – it was lovely. Hear from you soon – Mum

13 Aug 2007
Hi Rhona, glad to read that you’re still having a fab time. those facials sound fab – have always fancied one of those. What’s yr itinarary Hun? Where u off to next? For how long? When do you meet up with Duncan and when do you get to Oz? Also, r u stopping off in USA? Big Luv, Sarah x x x

13 Aug 2007
Jackey and I want to know why you didn’t have sensisble footwear? and even if you hadn’t taken any to thailand with you, you could have bought some cheap ones. and how did your mum not notice a huge leech?
work is shit as usual and we are crawling the walls with madness. Love Emma & Jackey

09 Aug 2007
Lovely to hear of your travels. Yes, it’s the rainy season here aswell, and the WOMAD festival up the road is sinking into the mud in a Glastonbury style. The mosquitos are loving all the standing water but when the sun comes out the air is full of swallows & martins (sadly no swifts in the village) Even Murphy is thinking about getting some armbands & learning how to swim. He quite happily stands out in the rain as he’s so used to it now. Mark’s head is repairing itself slowly (Did I tell you about the 15 stitches?) and I’m just busy working, drinking or reading Harry Potter (finished it yesterday). I’m off to a Four year olds birthday party this afternoon if the WOMAD revellers stop losing their car keys & getting stuck in the mud. It’s great that you are able to make the most of your time, massages & all. Love S & M xxx

28 Jul 2007
Anne Barry
Rhona & Pat – you are having the most amazing time!!
Hope the trip continues to be exciting and interesting. Look forward to hearing more
Anne Barryp.s. have included e-mail address, but don’t take up time replying as I’ll catch up on your travelblog. Anne

27 Jul 2007
sounds like yr having sum fab adventures Rhona. although i still think we’re having a pretty heavy rainy season here ourselves. i’m finking of trading my car in for a boat. Or maybe i could try the inner tube thingy down the Severn? Hope the ants are leaving u alone now….mmmm lovely creepy crawlies! Big Luv, Sarah xx

25 Jul 2007
Rodger, Ann and Alex
Delightd to hear all your story. You are having a great time.Ann and Rodger are with Alex(Dad) at Kingsknowe.

24 Jul 2007
Hi Rhona Dear,it’s great to hear all your adventures and many more to come. These other lot are dead jealous, it will be even better scuba diving, thats great fun .
Much Love

17 Jul 2007
Hey Rhona – yep, i burnt my back a bit too when snorkelling off Barbados. its just so beautiful down there you forget about everything else don’t U? apparently babies nappy rash cream is an excellent sun burn treatment. Porn bungalow huh? in my dreams! am i able to email you with a private msg anyhow? is yr googlemail address still accessible? Good luck with yr Ma – don’t lose her in the jungle (as if u wud!) S xx

17 Jul 2007
Jackey Sayer
Ah red bottom – mating ritual? Bit extreme, but was it successful? Sounds like you’re having a wonderful time. Let me know how many camels you get offered for your mother. Life here is as ever, have applied for Team Manager Commercial job, believe they already have someone earmarked! – nothing changes…..and it’s SO wet, another storm. Camping’s looking doubtful – and I’ve got a week of it in August booked, but I’m looking forward to being out of the office! How much longer have you got traveling? Will write soon.
Jackey XXX

17 Jul 2007
Is ‘Thors Palace’ still there? A great beach restaurant run by a scary transvestite, serving the best Tempura Veg I have ever had!

16 Jul 2007
glad u arrived safely rhona. don’t worry you will soon get the hang of this chilling out malarkey! wish i was with you, it’s still pissing down here – perhaps we have their rainy season! have a beer for me. Lurve, Sarah

13 Jul 2007
Hi lovely,
so pleased to hear that you are finaly on a beach and not in Bristol any more! it’s bloody freezing and chucking it down here, I actually wore my winter coat yesterday! Our house is going on the market soon so when the web site is up i’ll let you know so you can see the house all finished! enjoy the relaxation emma x

13 Jul 2007
We stayed at the beautiful Sai Bae beach in 99, south side of Ko Chang where it is (was) a lot quieter. If you make it there, here’s a little treasure hunt for you: there was a funky bar which encouraged punters to paint their marks with flourescent graffiti on the wooden walls and floor – well worth a visit, and if it’s still there and the graffiti still present, search for a ‘Baby Ganesh’ – a crude representation of the elephant headed god in a nappy (I think it was somewhere over near the hammock). Eight years on, you never know…

11 Jul 2007
Well done – you’re off.Have a wonderful time, I can’t wait to see the pics and hear the stories.lots of love
Helen xxx

10 Jul 2007
RHona – please take lots of piccies og the Chang so I can see how much (if at all) it has changed. make sure you hire a moped and check out the waterfall 🙂

10 Jul 2007
Liz Anderson
Woohoo, you’re finally on your way!

09 Jul 2007
jane H
bon voyage! have a wonderful time. x

09 Jul 2007
18 Oct 2011 – start of travelblog


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