Day 5 Total Damage – USD30 (15 each)
Lunch (4 pp) / Dinner (3 pp) / Accomodation (8 pp)
29 August xxxx
, Friday
Siem Reap
I’ve been having the runs for 3 days now. Couldn’t be the spiders I had for lunch because that was yesterday. So it must have been that spaghetti bolognaise for lunch the previous day that was swimming in oil. Anyway, the toilets here aren’t that bad, and when you’ve got the runs, you’ve got the runs – you’ll just do it wherever, whenever. ;P
Anyway, we’ve found a better accomodation thanks to the recommendation of our tuk tuk driver for the day. There was no hot water yesterday night and the guesthouse was slightly out of town. What’s best is this hotel is new, with a small casino on the ground floor. Wahahaha. Not my cup of tea, but certainly is for my dear travel mate.
Morning started early today, and it was a full day of temple visiting. The guidebook was right when it said if you have time for only 2 temples, its gotta be The Bayon and Angkor Wat. Absolutely magnificent. Rubin and I could only stand in awe at the ancient ruins and structure and wonder how in the world could such majestic structures be built in a time with no modern machinery.
I would need a dictionary and thesaurus to be able to relay to you how absolutely awesome the ruins were – but nothing’s better than seeing it with your own eyes, and feeling the atmosphere, capturing the essence of the architecture in its natural settings.
If you are ever in need of good sales personnel, try importing youth talents as young as 5 years old from Cambodia. The starky 5 year old here work their balance sheets really well – offering you 1 bracelet for $2, then 2 for $3, work their persuasive skills on you, then lower it to $1 each, try charming you either with a shy but cheeky smile or a pitiful one, and then 2 for $1. The line is drawn at “last price”, good price for you Lady” at 3 for $1.
All these from a 5 year old. And mind you, its a common scene. The worse part is you know how it works, but you still fall for their ‘innocent’ charm. All the time.
So we’ve come to the end of the 2nd last day of my trip. A little sad, but also looking forward to being clean once again. For the past 6 days and coming tomorrow, I’ve been FILTHY for 16 hours a day and its sooo not funny. My feet is never once clean when ‘m out of the guestrooms. And I’m suffering from tom yum overdose, because that’s what Mr Travel Mate religiously orders EVERY meal and it certainly has contributed a lot more to the rumbling in my tummy.
Tommorow will be a relaxed day, just chilling and absorbing the sights, sounds and smell of Cambodia before bidding goodbye early early in the morning on Sunday. Will probably visit the one and only Catholic Church in Siem Reap to see how its like here – which also means separate quiet times for travel mate and I.
Day 6 Total Damage – USD100 (50 each)
Bf (5 pp) / Single day Visit Pass (20 pp) / Lunch (4 pp) / Tuk Tuk for the day (10 pp) / Dinner (5 pp) / Accomodation (6 pp)
you have 2 comments
29 Aug xxxx
28 Aug xxxx
17 Oct 2011 – start of travelblog
posted Friday August xxxx