Tag: bernard

  • Bernard Logan BEESMEJ – USA 66

    UNITED+STATES I have learnt a lot about hurricanes, in the short time we have been here. In May and June, hurricanes develop in the Gulf of Mexico, close to Mexico, and run northwards. In July & August, they build in he Eastern Caribbean Posted from USA: posted Friday June xxxx source

  • Bernard Logan BEESMEJ – British Virgin Islands 0

    Whenever one anchors, there is a need to make sure that the anchor “sets”; i.e. it digs in. One method is to put the engines into reverse at 1500 RPM, which is equivalent to a sizeable wind, and see that the yacht doesn’t move. This we did and the yacht remained stationary. I applied a…

  • Bernard Logan BEESMEJ – St. Lucia 10

    Maggie has been spending a lot of energy in making Beesmej “homely”! Herewith attached, please see various transfers, metal gekhos and tree frogs, which are attached to many cupboard doors, on the ceiling and on the walls! The next weather window looks look being on Sunday. We will leave St Lucia around 2 pm and…

  • Bernard Logan BEESMEJ – USA 105

    UNITED+STATES Today, Maggie & I were informed that BEESMEJ will not be ready for at least two weeks! The electronics firm, which was installing equipment onto our yacht, was about to go into liquidation. Manta Catamarans thought it wiser to cancel the contract with the electronics firm, rather than risk losing money. Unfortunately, it has…

  • Bernard Logan BEESMEJ – USA 104

    UNITED+STATES Today, Maggie & I were informed that BEESMEJ will not be ready for at least two weeks! The electronics firm, which was installing equipment onto our yacht, was about to go into liquidation. Manta Catamarans thought it wiser to cancel the contract with the electronics firm, rather than risk losing money. Unfortunately, it has…

  • Bernard Logan BEESMEJ – USA 113

    UNITED+STATES Today, Maggie & I were informed that BEESMEJ will not be ready for at least two weeks! The electronics firm, which was installing equipment onto our yacht, was about to go into liquidation. Manta Catamarans thought it wiser to cancel the contract with the electronics firm, rather than risk losing money. Unfortunately, it has…

  • Bernard Logan BEESMEJ – UK 126

    UNITED+KINGDOM The launch of BEESMEJ has been set back by one week; launch will, now, take place on May 20. Maggie and I will, only, be able to move into our new home on June 13! Commisiioning is, also, delayed; it will commence on June 23 and will last five days; for this, we will remain…

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