Not now chief…Im in the bloody UK
washing up liquid = dish deterggent Hello! Okay, so Ive been too lazy to type, so Ill recap the last few days. I would say that Id do it briefly, but come on, were talking Little Miss Long-Winded here. Oh, and Ive decided Im going to educate Americans on all the new lingo I learn;…
KellieAnne Not now chief…I’m in the bloody UK. – UK 0
31 Jan xxxx I think people should probably learn to spell before they attempt to insult someone they don’t know. They look like assholes to begin with, but spelling their insult wrong makes them look like dumb-as-shit too. Posted from UK: Comments for miele5:you have 1 comments williamstop yer racsist whining and go back home…
KellieAnne Not now chief…I’m in the bloody UK. – UK 3
23 Jan xxxx Okay, so onto the people. My flat is made up of all international students, all of whom have been here since September. Theres Micael (pronounced Miguel), Silvia, and another girl whom I havent met yet, all from Spain, Brian from Hong Kong (whom I havent met yet either), and two from Malaysia.…