Bernard Logan BEESMEJ – British Virgin Islands 0
Whenever one anchors, there is a need to make sure that the anchor “sets”; i.e. it digs in. One method is to put the engines into reverse at 1500 RPM, which is equivalent to a sizeable wind, and see that the yacht doesn’t move. This we did and the yacht remained stationary. I applied a…
Bernard Logan BEESMEJ – British Virgin Islands 21
UNITED+STATES We are almost there! The new floor is down and everything is being put back in place. The Team recommended the installation of a reinforcing strutt, which will run the length of the underside of the bridgedeck. You can see from photo 1 the smooth underbelly of our bridgedeck and the strutt, in photo…
Bernard Logan BEESMEJ – British Virgin Islands 26
UNITED+STATES I don’t really know where to start! Firstly, and most importantly, we have arrived safely, although not, entirely, in one piece! The Manta was purchased on the basis of it being an ocean going craft. It is so credited with an EEC RCD certification. In the event, in Force 7 winds and equivalent seas…
Bernard Logan BEESMEJ – British Virgin Islands 23
Wishing you, all, a very Merry Xmas! It, really, doesn’t feel like Christmas, here. It is around 80F and we have torrential downpours, which are unusual for the time of year. We miss the smell of gently roasting turkey, of all things! And there are no Christmas crackers! You may remember my surprise at seeing…
Bernard Logan BEESMEJ – British Virgin Islands 25
ANTIGUA+AND+BARBUDA The surveyor examined Beesmej, yesterday. The yacht was hauled out, in order to examine the hulls and bridge deck from underneath. The conclusions drawn were as follows: The hull structure is sound. The saloon floor is not, adequately, supported. There should be more supporting strutts and the entire surface, between floor and bridge deck,…