Tag: democratic

  • RuxtonPatchett’s in SE Asia 24 December 2024 – Lao People’s Democratic Republic 1

    Day 4: Left Steph dozing while Nick and I went in search of breakfast, after which we packed and got a tuktuk to the northern bus station where we boarded a bus to Vang Vien, just north of Vientiane. About 5 hours, much honking of horns and several near misses later, we arrive safely at…

  • Rhona and backpack are Go! – Lao People’s Democratic Republic 11

    So a post from Laos. Vinetiane is lovely after Bangkok. It feels about the size of Hereford, small and relaxed and spread out and definitely relaxed. The sleeper train was quite good fun in the end although not perhaps the best nights sleep in the world. We got here to dicover our hotel is wonderful…

  • RuxtonPatchett’s in SE Asia 24 December xxxx – Lao People’s Democratic Republic 0

    Day 5 Continued: After writing up our blog at a local internet cafe, we hired bicycles and explored off the main route ourselves. We followed directions to local caves where we could hire a tour, which we did. It started out great – fantastic stalagmites and stalagtites. The kids were enjoying my attempts to get…

  • RuxtonPatchett’s in SE Asia 24 December xxxx – Lao People’s Democratic Republic 1

    Day 4: Left Steph dozing while Nick and I went in search of breakfast, after which we packed and got a tuktuk to the northern bus station where we boarded a bus to Vang Vien, just north of Vientiane. About 5 hours, much honking of horns and several near misses later, we arrive safely at…

  • Asie du Sud-Est 2006 – Lao People’s Democratic Republic 10

    Prochaine destination… Phonsavan. 8h de route serpentant les montagnes bord d’un vieux bus avec un chauffeur dbile. Disons seulement qu’ils distribuaient des sacs pour ceux qui avaient envie de vomir! trangement, les asiatiques semblent avoir le coeur moins solide que nous. Allez comprendre! On a vcu notre premire panne de bus. Le radiateur s’est vid…

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