Rhona and backpack are Go! – Indonesia 0
Comments for rhonazzzgilmour:you have 25 comments cannonhill.comApologies for problem with travelblogBrian 11 Sep 2007Alex GilmourCongrats dear, on passing your open water, it is really fantastic, I remember Cyprus. Have you been through any caves or up funnels, that is something to take your breath away. We look forward to your next stage, but you are…
Rhona and backpack are Go! – Lao People’s Democratic Republic 11
So a post from Laos. Vinetiane is lovely after Bangkok. It feels about the size of Hereford, small and relaxed and spread out and definitely relaxed. The sleeper train was quite good fun in the end although not perhaps the best nights sleep in the world. We got here to dicover our hotel is wonderful…