Tag: korea

  • Andrea Dreste A Dreste Overseas 22 June xxxx – Korea 2

    KOREA+REPUBLIC+OF So I made it to Korea finally and in one piece.  The flight was 14 hours long.  I flew from St. Louis to Atlanta and then Atlanta to Korea.  Leaving home was the hardest thing I ever did.  I don’t think I have ever cried as much as I did and I think the…

  • Andrea Dreste A Dreste Overseas 22 June xxxx – Korea 0

    KOREA+REPUBLIC+OF I think I need to start this blog off by apologizing for not blogging often enough.  Sorry everyone!   So I have been here for almost four months now.  I feel like have adapted to the Korean life style well and so now everyday just feels like another day.  In a good way!  A…

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