Oliver Wakefield – Ollie – India 5
09 Feb xxxx Well its been a long time since my last post. about a month anyway. I finally remembered my password.for the past two weeks i have been in hampi which is the most amzing place. i founbd it really hard to leave as a knew pretty much everyone there and got into a…
Oliver Wakefield – Ollie – India 6
09 Jan xxxx Oliver Wakefield Ummmm day 26, Udaipur 7th of jan.Made my way into town about 11 and met some of the guys i met last night. Students about 20 – 21 but so immature its amazing. there nice guys but bloody full on. we went for a walk and then headed to there…
Oliver Wakefield – Ollie – India 7
02 Jan xxxx Finally got round to writing this blog thingy for all you peeps athome. Not really sure of what to write so il gues ill just start bysaying where i have been so far. well, i flew in to Delhi on the 13th then headed up to kashmir whichwas far to cold. I…