Patsy’s travels 2005 – UK 3
Damascus, Syria (Day 13) The morning was taken up by our Rally briefing which was not at all interesting. In the evening we had dinner in a beautiful courtyard in the souq. We were very cold by the end of the evening. Posted from UK: posted Tuesday May 2006 source
Patsy’s travels 2005 – Syrian Arab Republic 11
(Jerash, Amman) Jordan (Day 5) During the day we went to Jerash, small town north of Amman. The Roman ruins was an absolutely massive site comprising of a hippodrome, temples, churches, streets, drainage and theatre etc. In the streets you could still see the dents from the carridges that horses use to pull, in the…
Patsy’s travels 2005 – Syrian Arab Republic 10
Sednaya, Maalula & Crac des Chevaliers, Syria (Day 7) One week today and I feel that I have done so much in such little time. Today I am on my own (with driver of course). Yamama kindly planned for me the above small towns just outside Damascus, prominantly Christian areas. In Sednaya there is a…
Patsy’s travels 2005 – Syrian Arab Republic 9
Damascus, Syria: Day 6 My day was spent chillin out at Yamama’s work place. I was planning to visit the musuems in the old city of Damascu, however I was still pooped from the weekend in Jordan and the 3 hour car journey over the boarder where we also stopped to have coffee with the…
Patsy’s Travel Adventures – Germany 6
Guten aabend! Today we are in Obber…….forgot how to spell the rest of it…….but we are in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps! However, it is raining and foggy…..can’t seemany mountains yet. Still it is beautiful! We are about 30 miles or so from the Austrian border…….may go to Innsbruk tomorrow. Sorry no photos today….left…
Patsy’s Travel Adventures – Germany 2
Greetings from Brandenburg, Germany! This town is about 50 miles or so west of Berlin….more than a thousand years old. Very Medieval……small cobblestone streets and all. We are staying in a small boutique hotel here we ran across….did not have a reservation for tonight. Tomorrow we head toward Hannover for a 3-day stay and to…
Patsy’s travels 2005 – Syrian Arab Republic 7
Jethi Grotto, Tripoli, Babylos, Beruit (Lebanon) (Day 9) This day has been planned to cover the major attractions of north Lebanon. The Grotto (near Beruit) was discovered by a fisherman in 1969. It is two caves (upper and lower), full of stalic mites and stalic tights. the lower cave was most impressive, where travelling through…