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Take it away!So you are all set for your trip. That’s great. We hope we’ve been able to help you plan your trip, but we hope we can do more.

You can take our guides with you. There are three ways. The first isto go online with your phone and browse the the XHTMl version ofWorld66. The second option is to download our guides in PDF format. Putit on your laptop, your pda, your phone, whatever device you have thatreads PDF, or print it out the old fashioned way. With the help ofAntti Vilponnen we are also able to offer you RepliGo guides, a formatwhich works well on most smart phones.

World66 on your phone

And for those of you who have a phone with GPRS and know how to roam, please use or XHTML-guide. You can access it at world66.com/alt/xhtml.It automatically starts with the homepage of the country you’re in. Soif you access it from Marrakesh, it starts with the Morocco page.

It’s still in Beta, so please let us know if you have any problems. We also like to hear positive feedback, by the way!

If you have a phone that allows you to read PDF files, you can of course also download the PDf guides. It’s up to you.

The PDF Guides

These are the PDF guides we currently offer. Download them, printthem (or put them on a pdf-reading device), use them and help us makethem better by updating the information when you get back (or while youare there).

We’ve have added a short description to indicate how good andup to date the guides are. We try to be honest about this. Weappreciate your feedback and comments, but if you find things to beincorrect or informatation missing, just update it in the guide onlineand it will automatically appear in the next publish of the guides.

If there are destinations you would like us to make a PDF guide of, let us know. Send an email to PDF request.

Venice, Rio de Janiero, Paris, Sydney, Vienna, Singapore, Madrid, Berlin, Los Angeles, Brussels, Hong Kong, Budapest, Tokyo, Barcelona, Rome, Cairo, Prague, New York, London, Lisbon, Amsterdam, Florence, Madagascar, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Morocco, Thailand, Belgium, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Russia,

RepliGo guides

Since many smart phones do not read PDFs as such – our friend Antti Vilpponen has converted the files to RepliGo -format, which is a very effective format for smart phones.

To get the free reader please click the Button.

Amsterdam,Barcelona,Belgium,Berlin,Brussels,Budapest,Cairo,Florence,Hong Kong,Kazakhstan,Kenya,Las Vegas,Lisbon,London,Los Angeles,Madagascar,Madrid,Morocco,Netherlands,New York,Norway,Paris,Rio de Janeiro, Rome,Russia,San Francisco,Singapore,Switzerland,Tanzania,Thailand,Tokyo,Venice,Vienna

Some rights reserved This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. For more information read our copyright policy and our disclaimer.Additional travel guides are available in ten languages at wikitravel.org.


Posted from UK:

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21 Jan 2007

21 Jan 2007
18 Oct 2011 – start of travelblog

posted Tuesday March 2007



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