talking stick – Unprofessional guide still loose in the amazon – Peru 1

unprofessional guide still on the loose in the amazon… subject: richard fowler Hallo, I see that Richard Fowler is still running loose and exploiing tribes and tourists in the amazon. Here are two morel links of complaints about him below. Plus our dear departed NormaPanduro could not stand him because he charged tourists $100 for her ceremonies and kept $80 for himself. I hope he does not go to her funeral.  He is an alcoholic and hardly pays the indians he takes tourists to see, plus gets them drunk after the trip. I had a terrible trip with him last year, it ended in the police station and the tourist office with me getting my money back. I was shocked at his lack of respect for the indians, and that he did not treat them fairly and made huge profit from them and gave nothing back. Also he was very rude and threatening to me, and I was alone in the jungle with him , a woman, I did not feel safe to get on the boat with him on the return trip. The most dangerous thing in the jungle for me was Richard Fowlers ego. My report is with the Tourist office, and I saw these other reports on the net about him, in fact, when I was with him at the police station last year, he did not have a working permit and his visa was two years out of date, so Im very surprised and disappointed he is still operating out of Iquitos. best wishes, and thanks for your good work Veronica Barrett here are comments about him below- Jungle Reviews Iquitos, Peru Iquitos (Peru) Avg. Member Rating (1 review) Write a Amazon Jungle review Sponsored Links Iquitos Lodging – Compare 27 major websites on one page Peru Lodging Complete Family of La Quinta Inns. Find Special Deals. Reserve Today! Iquitos Hotels Compare prices from the top travel engines to find the lowest rate. Amazon Jungle Rated by jhampshire on January 26, 2006 Review Usefulness Rating From journal Amazon Jungle Guides in Peru–Richard Fowler The Amazon was incredible and beautiful, and I would recommend the Amazon jungle as a trip to anyone. Our guide, Richard Fowler, was dreadful. He is an absolute expert on nature but is also an irrational, irritable individual prone to being drunk for much of the daylight hours of the trip and not focusing on actually getting into the jungle on walks/trails. He focused more on disappearing for a few hours, with little explanation on his return other than attempting to insult us by telling us very loudly that we were ‘just like Americans, with their need for instant gratification’ (he is American, and we had asked where he had been for the last three hours). I hope you pick a better guide. Either way, not even this experience can take away from the beauty of the Amazon–a truly magical place. But the fool hired Richard Fowler as lead guide. The ex-Navy Seal and 10 year Amazon resident and hero of people whose personal libraries consist of exactly: Soldier of Fortune back issues, Gary Larson cartoons, Apocalypse Now: The Picture Book, and Heart of Darkness. The jungle survivalist. The machete weilding maniac. The baron of terror in the atrium of the Amazon. The heavy drinker and the wrong man for the job. Noble hired Fowler.

Posted from Peru:
does not exist
posted Friday September 2007



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