Things we did in Alice

Things we did in Alice
Alice Springs, Australia

Alice Springs, Australia

Today is Sunday and we have a full day in Alice to see all the attractions. We head out to the Desert Park, 8 km west of town. Its a cloudy day and not to hot as we wander through various guided talks then head to the Raptor Show. What those birds did in front of the audience was amazing and Deb who has faster reflexes than me got some great shots.

Next we headed to the other side of town to the National Road Transport Hall of Fame which comprised of the Old Ghan Railway Museum and the Kenworth Truck Museum, both charging separate entrance fees. We went through the Ghan Museum first which was a total rip-off with a whole lot of old rail junk thrown together in some stuffy rooms,a loco and a couple of carriages outside in the baking sun, The carriages however were an interesting view and gave an insight into what the early Ghan would have been like.

We then deliberated as to whether we pay another entrance fee of $30 per head to see some Mac trucks which were housed under a large hot tin shed. I got the answer I as expecting, “no thanks” so we headed off to a local Sunday market at Palmview which was very small and then into town to get some lunch at the Todd Tavern.

After lunch we dropped in at the Alice Springs Telegraph Station wanting another $30 entrance fee, we declined and walked around the buildings taking a photo or two then wandered down the shady riverside grounds which were full of locals. Once down on the dry riverbed there was a sign depicting the original ‘spring’ which the town was named after.

Back in the car we headed up to Anzac Lookout with some very nice dedication plaques posted on the side of the track. From here we were all tourist-ed out and headed back to our room for a swim and an afternoon nap and then booked a table at the Barra on Todd for a very nice dinner (no Barramundi).


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