Tim’s Caribbean Adventures – Dominican Republic 1

Comments for twstauffer:you have 25 comments

Yea for you!! You learned some good stuff not only about others but about you. “But the eyes are blind one must look with the heart…” (The Little Prince). AND, YOU DID. XOXO

25 Aug 2007
Your blog elicited many similar memories and thoughts from my own time in Latin America. I really enjoyed reading it…so thanks! I’m looking forward to hearing about what you’ll be up to next. Take care.

24 Aug 2007
Eric Stuecheli
Hello Tim,
Was there any damage in your area from the hurricane in the Caribbean”

19 Aug 2007
Elizabeth Toland
I looooooooooove reading your thoughts!! Right now your blog is keep me happy while stuck in an airport, dealing with delays…. Hugs!!!

09 Aug 2007
Hey Tim,
Thanks so much for your beautiful writing about all your experiences in the DR. Your deep caring for and interest in your students and the culture they live in shows through in all the details you relate. Sometimes the little things can be the most revealing. Your description of the cockfights, by the way, was vivid enough to make me woozy…yikes. Ease up on the blood and guts, OK? Just kidding. Hhow strange that an event so barbaric is where the men have to take care to act respectably! Take care of yourself, and keep learning, searching and observing for all of us back home!
Annie xx

01 Aug 2007
Hey Tim – I appreciate you taking time to share your intimate experiences online! May you truly truly live every moment – and regret none. And good luck with your Peace Corps application – sounds like your hoping for South America then? I agree with Terry – if you’d write a book I’d read it! Take care!

26 Jul 2007
Nathan A. L. Gill
Hi, Tim! Nathan here. Good post, good read. I feel the same way about wanting to work in a place I care about. Oh, we communityphiles… I have one week of work left in NE Kan., then it’s back to school and the four weddings I have in the next 3 weeks. Proly a good thing, I’m beginning to get VERY lazy around the office. It’s a little shameful, really. I need a mind-vacation. I should go find a meth lab somewhere… ?

25 Jul 2007
Tim, it’s Erin T. Reading your blog at work ? You are doing wonderful things, writing beautiful words. I still owe you a cerveza!

23 Jul 2007
You know me…I always like a good rainstorm. A great teacher. ;)Sounds like such a beautiful adventure. I’m sure it feels good to try to capture, to contain, to make sense of it. Makes me want to paint. Have you read Sound and the Fury yet” I have a copy sitting in my room waiting to be opened.I decided not to take the job in Alaska and instead put my adventurous energy to work here in Minneapolis. A good choice. Thank you for your thoughtful insights.Glad you’re doing well.

18 Jul 2007
Wait! Are you telling me alcohol, beaches, making out with beautiful women, and gossip aren’t all they’re cracked up to be” I was really looking forward to watching Real World: Sydney on Tivo… Thanks a lot, Tim.

17 Jul 2007
Tim–You’ll love CRAY THE BELOVED COUNTRY. I read it last year and then watched the movie (not as good, of course). Good to hear how it is going in DR.

17 Jul 2007
david bergeron
Tim: I’m enjoying reading your blogs. Your effective prose makes me feel present. I recognize some matters from time spent in Brazil.
Keep enjoying yourself and staying in touch.
Caution: don’t overwork your adjectives! Remember the power of nouns and verbs. (Some teachers never give up!)David

17 Jul 2007
Rachel Cloud
Wow. Thank you for sharing! Don’t have words to respond to such descriptions and so many levels of life. Peace to you! Hug.

13 Jul 2007
Collin Craig
Hey tim, man the way that you describe where you are makes me want to hop on a plane and spend the rest of my summer where you are. Your life man….what can i say about it. I might have to live mine through you for the time being. luv you dawg.

13 Jul 2007
You need to keep a really detailed journal about your experiences- and then come back and write a book. I’d read it- everything is really interesting so far! Glad you’re enjoying yourself…

10 Jul 2007
Hey Tim!
Sounds like you’re really making the most of life. You always have. Love you man.

07 Jul 2007
Eric Stuecheli
Hello Tim,Did you hear about the floods in Kansas” I hope that your town in the Dominican Republic avoids the deluge that the Sunflower state suffered. I gave Nathan L. the address to your blog. Allegedly, Dave Melgren will be in the Dominican Republic in August, so there may be another Jayhawk on another portion of the island.

06 Jul 2007
david bergeron
Tim: Great to get your report from DR. You write well–no suprise there!–and effectively about the perceived life. I catch the flavor of this place. It’s hard to sort out one’s emotions. Keep us posted.
And take care of yourself.
All the best to you,
David Bergeron

01 Jul 2007
Elizabeth Toland
Tim-o-teo!!! How exciting…you’re finally off! I can’t wait to hear ALL about your adventures and growth in the DR! I’m sad your storytelling won’t happen in person over a cup of coffee at Milton’s, but I’m still very excited to keep up with your blog! My thoughts and prayers are with you mucho!

29 Jun 2007
Anna Neill
So good to hear from you,Tim. This is a great idea. You are in our thoughts. Connor’s soccer kicks are getting better (as are mine!) Looking forward to hearing more. Anna

27 Jun 2007
You actually expect me to read this” Just kidding. It’ll be a great way to hear from you. Then, when you come live in Chicago and work for Casa Central, you can tell me all the stories in person.

27 Jun 2007
Ben Lewis
Hey Tim, Happy travels! I’ll be jealously thinking of you as you start your journey and holding out hope of our crossing paths in Latin America soon. Ben

27 Jun 2007
This is going to be the coolest blog in the universe. I am very excited. I also commend you for staying sane amongst the pounding carpenters. I almost had a nervous breakdown, and I was only there for two hours of the racket.

26 Jun 2007
Test “”

26 Jun 2007
Tim, where did you get this travelblog idea” I like it.

26 Jun 2007
18 Oct 2011 – start of travelblog



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