July 5 2017
Well we’ve decided to put off our travel plans for a few days. Talking with friends in the interior they are saying that Merritt is filling with rigs and people, so is Kamloops. Lots of smoke and ash so we are taking a wait and see attitude.
The on going saga of our travels. I noticed a wet spot around the toilet the other day and it began to grow so decide last night not to use the afore mentioned facility. Turns out the toilet had developed a leak ( pun intended). Spent this a/m exploring different ideas as to what it was that was causing the leak, came to the conclusion that it was the seal on the bottom of the toilet. So being Mr. Fixit (thanks Joan Guthrie for that title) I decided to tackle the problem myself. Now you have to understand Ive replaced the seal in a few toilets in my day, however not so much in an RV. Like any man, who needs instructuions right guys, how hard can it be, after an hour of trying I broke down and looked up the paticular model toilet Ive been dealing with and low and behold I saw the light unfortunately the nut holding the water supply tube did not see the light and I ended up cutting the pipe off. In so doing I discovered that the leak was not where I thought it should be but it was in a supply tube that was attached to a valve inside the back of the toilet which I broke trying to get the other supply tube off. So then the search began for parts and pieces tools and hardware After 3 RV suppliers I gave up and the toilet myself and Cindy Donahue are making a trip to Courtney RV to have a new 2 bolt toilet installed because no one has a four bolt toilet in stock. The generator has been removed and gone the generator heaven and we will be using the space for storage Cindy will be over the moon with excitement more room for more stuff and so I bid you ado. On my way to pick up some plywood for the new floor in the new storage compartment.
An update from Donahue’s doodles aka Turbo’s tales. Thanks to the coffee group for the Turbo nick name. So we left the ferry at 8:00 pm made sure it was docked first lol. We were looking for the rest stop just before Hope. But i was tired so we pulled into the scales and spent an uneventful but noisy night there. The scale was closed and Willey said they aren’t usually open on Sunday he was wrong the trucks started rolling through about 6 am Cindy she heard someone walking around the MH around the same time so we had breakfast and took Sasha for a walk then left. Arrived in Merritt around 915. We met Berni and Dave Wright at the church, it was a wonderful service just for us great worship and a great word. We filled up with water met 80 year old named Jane who is getting mariried next Sunday Cindy gave her a tour of the MH and we talked about when the Lord is in something he always provides the means and way we said our goodbyes and left for Kamloops.
An additional note about our stay at the scales before Hope when left the scales and drove one count them one kilometer down the road and low and behold the rest area we were looking for.