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Moonrise Over the Great Wall   from http://www.wetware.blogspot.com/This post is way over-due, but I’vebeen spending more time actually enjoying myself to bother with e-mail,web, blogging etc. Nonetheless, I do think I should share the amazingexperience at the Great Wall. In the immortal words of Richard Nixoncirca 1972, it really is a great wall!! Secondly, it really does go onfor ever and ever. Just when you think you’ve seen the end of it, yousee it emerging out of yet another valley and over yet anothermountain. Nothing you hear about or see in photographs prepares you forthe sheer majesty and grandeur of the Wall. And then you remindyourself that when the Wall was initially built, Rome was still arepublic, not an empire. Emperor Chin may have been nuts, but boy, ishis work of madness worth visiting. It also reminds you of the stuffthat can be done when you have abundant cheap, slave-like labour.Let’sbegin with a damn good tip though for anyone who wants to visit theWall, which came my way courtesy Andrew and Mei. As I mentionedearlier, I was staying with former ZS blogger, Andrew Lih, in Beijing(in a crazy coincidence, yet another former ZS blogger, Mash, was alsoin Beijing at the same time). Andrew first advised me against going tothe Wall at Badaling, which is a mind boggling tourist trap with hardlya pin drop of space. He took me instead to the

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21 Jan 2007

21 Jan 2007
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